Conferenza della Svizzera i taliana per l a f ormazionecontinua degli adulti Lugano Switzerland CFC, Lugano By participating in the GBT project, the CFC was looking for new ways to develop and implement innovative approaches to promote the recovery of basic skills in...
Fønix Norway What have we learnt? FØNIX has learned that educational games provide good opportunities to facilitate and adapt, create active learning, and make collaboration safer. We have learned that within an educational setting, entertainment games can serve as an...
Berufsförderungsinstitut Vienna Austria What have we learned from the GBT project? At BFI Vienna, games are used in class, especially in classes with young people. Both to loosen up the lessons and to practice certain topics. Through the project, BFI learned that...
Platon Greece What we have learned from the project Here in Platon schools we are very happy to be a part of this project. Our students learned by playing and our teachers realized that using games in the educational procedure is not so difficult and at the same time...