+54881700 vuc@vucstor.dk

Conferenza della Svizzera i taliana per l a f ormazionecontinua degli adulti Lugano


CFC, Lugano

The Conference for adult lifelong learning in southern Switzerland (CFC,
www.conferenzacfc.ch) is the umbrella organization for general and vocational adult learning in the Ticino region (southern region of Switzerland). CFC is a non-profit organization supported by the government of Canton Ticino and has a permanent secretariat in Lugano. CFC groups more than 80 members comprising: institutions, schools (public and private), adult education state providers, governmental bodies and individuals involved in adult learning and human resources retraining.

CFC promotes a sustainable adult education system, raises awareness on the importance of adult learning and creates cooperation and networks between adult learning organizations by running national and international projects, conferences and informative meetings.

Thanks to more than 20 years of experience, CFC has acquired extensive knowledge on most topics related to adult education and developed and participated, in different ways, in various projects (at a regional as well as at national and international level), on the subject of training disadvantaged adults with low levels of basic skills and no formal VET qualifications.


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